Monday, February 7, 2011

The Important Stuff

 Growing up in the 80's my childhood was filled with video games, MTV, cartoons, and a TON of toys. I had every Barbie, CareBear, Cabbage Patch, and My little Pony that you could imagine....seriously. Funny thing is, when I look back I find that I was happier being outside or looking out of our huge picture window than playing with all that STUFF. My best memories are of sunny saturdays spent with my mom running errands and riding through the country with my dad to visit my granny and grampaw. Sometimes I wish I were back there again.

I don't believe we were created to sit in front of a TV or computer all day. I don't think God intended for us to constantly rush past the beauty of His creation at 60mph either. And I'm pretty sure He didn't want the majority of our conversations to be communicated through texting and emails. Obviously, I appreciate the benefits of technology, but what has this tech-overload really cost our society?

I have really come to love watching movies set in the 1800' the complete objection of my dear husband :)  I love the idea of spending every day with your family and walking to town, or to a friends house for tea. I picture myself sitting underneath a tree on a blanket with a good book, or just a sketch pad enjoying the breeze. Ahh. I have to admit, this vision might be partly inspired by my complete loathing of winter. Although a toasty fire with good company could make it a bit more bearable.

I guess my point is that we are distracted from life itself. Our relationships with family, friends, and God should be more important than anything on TV, or in a video game. When we stand before Him and give an account of our lives will we be ashamed of how we spent the time He gave us? I know that until recently, I spent too much of that time working to buy my kids tons of things that they don't need. I sacrificed my relationships with friends and loved ones for money and selfish ambitions. It is my sincerest hope that God gives me enough time on this earth to be the mother, wife, daughter, and friend that He would want me to be.

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