Saturday, May 14, 2011

Busy, Busy!

Sometimes, I feel like I don't even get the chance to fully participate in life. I can't even focus! I forget that life isn't about accomplishments brought on by my own ambitions. I forget that I have a bigger calling on my life than making sure the house is kept tidy. Sometimes, I get lost in the shallow end of life.

Things have been moving in fast forward these last few weeks and I am in need of a time-out! I have spoken before of my need to have ALONE time to meditate on God and just feel His presence...oh such joy is in His presence! I need to 'be still'...Psalm 46:10.

You would think as many times as He has shown me that I can't be who He's called me to be without spending that time with Him, that I would know to let everything else go. I tell you, I think there is a spirit of distraction who's goal it is to make Jesus' followers TOO BUSY to follow! Let me prove it...just in the short amount of time it has taken me to write this paragraph so far, my 6 year old has come in here 4 times to ask me something completely random :)

The older I get, the more I realize how quickly time slips away. Being that I was born a it seems...I am horrible at putting things off. I give myself excuses as to why I didn't do in a given day what I had wanted to. I was tired...I didn't feel well...I just didn't think about it....UGHHH. This is still selfishness. I hope to one day be past this stage.  I hope to be like the man that built his house on the rock instead of the sand...Matthew 7:24-27. God has been so merciful to me by showing me my 'faults' (SINS!). He has so lovingly reproved me and given me a new perspective/heart/LIFE.

In this slight despair that I am feeling, I am reminded just how faithful God is to His children. We forsake Him for the the smallest things, but He will never forsake us. We deny him as Peter did...though maybe not by our words, but by our actions.

 I am in awe as I think about a God so loving that He would see my wavering heart and be moved by it. Who am I that He would send even the smallest of angels, much more His son, for my sake. He is worthy to be praised.

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