Friday, September 14, 2012

My People

I really don't like politics. I don't like the hateful spirit that seems to be behind every ad on TV, or the way one party insinuates your choice to support their opponent is due to your lack of intelligence. I can't stand the deceitfulness that seems to pour out from the podiums disguised as eloquent speeches, and I HATE feeling like I have to choose the least of two evils by compromising my core beliefs (the beliefs, by the way that our country was founded on). I have to say though, more than anything I detest the notion that one candidate will change the course we seem to be on in this country.

We have an astounding number of people who claim to be Christians in this great nation, but we seem unwilling to think that God has anything to do with politics anymore. We get caught up in the 'drama' of the election and stress out over the outcome instead of looking to the Word of God. In 2 Chronicles, God gave Solomon the answer we as Americans seem to want so desperately today.

 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Notice this is a statement for the believer, His people! If we humble ourselves. If we pray and seek His face. If we turn from our evil ways...

I know this was written towards the Jews, but through Christ we have been accepted as His people. We are known as a christian nation in this world, but due to our lack of commitment to Him it seems (as a whole) we are christian in name only. If we truly had the nature of Christ; His love and compassion, His self control and discipline, His obedience and willingness to stand against evil, we would impact the whole world in a positive way. Instead, we blaspheme the name of God by claiming to be His while keeping our deeds of darkness.

"The commandment 'Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain,' has nothing to do with vocabulary. It has to do with ambassadorship. If we take on the name of the King, we had better represent Him accurately and faithfully." -Chuck Missler, Prophecy 20/20

Whether we have a new president or keep the current one in office, we will not see the restoration of America. It is a heart matter and a sin problem, and it starts with us.

Sorry for the rant...I won't make it a habit. :)

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