Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our First Love

I heard a message yesterday concerning witnessing to others about Jesus in everyday situations. One quote that I thought was revelatory had to do with how you live your life. He said, "You may be the only Bible someone ever comes in contact with". Wow.  Even though we live in America where there is a church on almost every street corner, I think he was right. Because of our (the church's) lack of true commitment, it seems we have come across as judgemental, arrogant, hypocrites to those that we supposedly are trying to reach! Sorry if that sounded harsh, but it's almost like the church holds a sinner to a higher standard than itself.

Do we really think that since we believe Jesus died for our sins that it gives us "immunity" and we can continue in our sins? That's just not biblical. I'm afraid that the Christianity that we see today in our nation is a shadow of what it should be. We are to humble ourselves, serve others, and exalt the name of Jesus in all that we do! We need to fall in love with Him again. We need to remember why we are so indebted to Him. It's not about what you can and can't do as a christian, but rather where you keep your heart. If you love Him then you won't want to be separated from His presence for even a moment. Sin IS separation.

Sin builds a wall in between you and The One who faced shame, torment, and death just to tear it down. His love is better than any romance novel ever written. His love restores and forgives! He will never leave you, though you can willingly walk away from Him at any time. It's our decision if we want to be faithful to The One who loves us more than we could ever fathom. He's like the faithful husband of a wretched prostitute that brings shame and dishonor to him....but still, he remains faithful and loving. Not only do we have this kind of commitment from Him, but when we understand all these things and ask He is quick to forgive. He then fills our hearts with this perfect love so we can share it with others. Surely if we lived this truth we would be a walking testament to others.

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