Monday, January 3, 2011


First day back to work after the holidays and though I was full of good intentions, AGAIN, it seems I didn't come through. I didn't sleep well last night which resorted in over-sleeping this morning and not having my prayer time. By lunch I had forgiven myself and when the conversation of fellow employees begin to be more personal than I could bare I simply went outside for "fresh air". I was feeling good about how the day was going over all, until (there seems to always be an 'until' doesn't there) I was assisting a substitute employee that doesn't generally work with us and she....gasp....belittled me. I hate that the devil seems to know my buttons so well. The one thing that gripes me more than anything else is disrespect. It's so rude!! Well, I let it slide the first few times, but eventually I let it get to me. I made a stupid, supposedly funny comment about how ridiculous she was to the manager....who by the way found my aggravation hilarious. It always feels so much better when you get things off your chest....for a second. Then I was just mad at myself for letting something so trivial cause me to stumble (AKA SIN). How can I be a true witness to others when I'm talking about them behind their back?! It may seem small and it was just between me and the manager, but character is still character. I could never say anything about the inappropriate conversations they have when I'm rolling around in the dirt too. That's just being a hypocrite! I don't like being hypocritical. I don't like my selfish nature, but this is a reminder that I need to keep seeking Him and quit letting my mouth rule over me. Hopefully tomorrow I will have better news to share.  Day one....FAIL.

1 comment:

  1. I really do miss your big mouth. :) I'm glad I can read your blog. It's such an easy read because you write wonderfully. And aren't you glad that tomorrow is another day to try again? To me it seems that the days I really try to remain in God's will ALL DAY are the days that feel the most fulfilled. And the days that I constantly fail are the days that fly by, which make my life seem like it's zipping past me. Which seems to equal: living in God's will for my life means life will be more abundant for me. Hmmm... Now if I can just practice it everyday.
